
Gravity Lyrics

"Gravity" is one of the more thematically involved tracks on the album. Melodically, the song establishes a continuous pattern of ascending then descending. When the melody ascends, it immediately descends afterward. Rhythmically, this same pattern is portrayed.

Gravity's rate of acceleration on Earth is 9.8 meters per second, which is symbolized by the track's opening riff being in the 9/8 time signature.
As the song progresses into the Latin breakdown, the melody constantly loses one beat as the section progresses. The time signatures "fall", beginning with 9/8. After the melody repeats, the time signature then shifts to 4/4, or, 8/8, losing one eighth note value. After repeating twice, the time signature changes to 7/8, losing yet another eighth note.
During this Latin break, the key signature also "falls", modulating after the solo section from G Minor to F# Minor. After the Latin break, a piano melody is introduced containing many melodic runs that simply, once again, travel upward, then immediately "fall down".

As this melody continues to repeat, additional melodies are added until finally everyone is playing their own individual part. These melodies are later accompanied by a drum fill which transitions the track into the next descending melody toward the end of the song, and from that point the tempo continues to steadily "fall", as the object would after it has been dropped.
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