
Saturn Lyrics

Saturn Sun Moon Earth Jupiter Venus Vulcan

The geese are flying south again and pulling centre stage
A golden hand to light the scene and turn a winter's page
A power lies beneath your feet a masterpiece above
It's a rich man who sees our beauty is our love
Search the skies above and tell me
Why are you waiting for a secret to be told
When the answer lies within you and it finally calls
Can you hear it out in the darkness spinning a tune
That we have heard long before through our
Saturn Sun and Moon

The fruit is heavy on the trees and Mother gathers in
A golden arm to lean upon her bounty can belong
Because we've been across a wide terrain
And felt the drought and flood
A journey of a million years recorded in the blood
Search the skies above and tell me
Why are we waiting for a secret to be told
When the answer lies within you and it finally calls
Can you hear it out in the darkness spinning a tune
That we have heard long before through our
Saturn Sun and Moon Moon

Trust in life and see my friend the universe is kind
But still you feed your doubt and say "I can't this time...."
Search the skies above and tell me

Why are you waiting for a secret to be told
When the answer lies within you and it finally calls
Can you hear it out in the darkness spinning a tune
That we have heard long before through our
Saturn Sun and Moon Moon Moon
The outbreath came and the fireballs grew
We took to the journey and everyone knew
That the solar wind sang a heavenly tune
Foretelling of the time of Saturn Sun and Moon
And we all came tumbling down in time
Here we are on the bottom line
Hello hello where ever you are
I send you my love from near and far
Hello hello hello Hello hello hello

Saturn Sun Moon Earth Jupiter Venus Vulcan
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