
Together to Make a World Lyrics

We can make a world together, can make a world forever
Where nobody can come we'd be so happy, if
We can make a world together, can make a world forever
With no more work & rules, where no one can choose, if
We make a world together, we can make a world forever
Live only with people we would like to
We cam make a world together, can make a world forever
This dream will be cool, there will be no fools
Build a new place where we can be ourselves
Keep it for you & me, 'cause a secret
Is the only thing that nobody can steal from you

If you keep it for me i know you're the one
I always wanted to be in my life

Tell me i'm wrong before i leave this place
It's my only dream world, please take me there

Just bring me something new before i leave, i leave this place
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Have a Good Time (1989)
Free Violence Dig Buzz Fly The Game I 101 Go Team Go E.T. The Game II Pimple Sprayer Together to Make a World Changes Rock'n'Roll Forever