
Birthing & Birthing Lyrics

hell - shank shattering
bell - ring rattling
me, vaudeville civilian
my mousetrap jaw
cool, white skinned cradling
arms flailing
from my temples
thoughts they are clattering
begging to escape
they are gone -
crow-like and flappering

i'm a shatter with laughter
girth-birthing and birthing
babes emerge
thorned blood splattering
look aftering
life altering
prince faltering
i send my babes back, yes!
i send my babes back to me
vacuum-womb recalling
i grasp my babes back to me

i send my babes back, yes!
i send my babes back to me
vacuum-womb recalling
i grasp my babes back to me
hell - shank shattering
bell - ring rattling
me, vaudeville civilian
my mousetrap jaw
cool, white skinned cradling

i send my babes back, yes!
i send my babes back to me
vacuum-womb recalling
i grasp my babes back to me
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Derelict Dialect (2008)
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