
Ballad of Reverend War Character Lyrics

Miss Mary Jane measures rain in a cracked cup on the sill
In Embry's last photograph he disappears over a hill
Darrell Dotson waits in the grass for a fight
the stars don't shine upon us
we're just in the way of their light
The new girl in Tahoe has swallowed Sinatra's c**
A russian primadonna dances slow on valium
After the game the benchwarmer can't get a ride
in s***e there is no center
we're always off to the side
John Parker III steps over a bird on a Wall St. window ledge
Little Wilkie finds a dead cat rotting deep inside the hedge
Mahalia Roach dies on a Greyhound coach in July
in a horror movie when the car won't start
you give it one last try

Guinnevere orders one more beer in the smokey pick-up bar
A burnt out tramp by the exit ramp waits for one more car
The Latin teacher always smells like p***
the census figures come out wrong
there's an extra in our midst
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