
Aljahelia Lyrics

ومُـدَّجِجٍ كَـرِهَ الكُماةُ نِزَالَـهُ

لامُمْعـنٍ هَـرَباً ولا مُسْتَسْلِـمِ
فَشَكَكْـتُ بِالرُّمْحِ الأَصَمِّ ثِيابـهُ

ليـسَ الكَريمُ على القَنا بِمُحَـرَّمِ

فَطعنْتُـهُ بِالرُّمْـحِ ثُـمَّ عَلَوْتُـهُ

بِمُهَنَّـدٍ صافِي الحَديدَةِ مِخْـذَمِ

Before the idol's fall

And Extinguishing of the flames

The land was enwtined

On oblivion

The kingdom was entwined

Entwined on oblivion

It's kingdom of the Sand

where Life of harsh and poverty

Living with the ignorance flesh

And Raids of the tribes

They are dummies made of flesh

They are dummies knelt for effigies

Golden poems hidden in their l***

Golden l*** buried into the sand

Unleash their l***

It's the redemption light

Infanticide their fragile dreams

Sands of life embracing their souls

Golden l*** buried alive
Subduing their fragile screams

Shame of men humiliated their l***

نحن غرابا عك عك

The State of mind devoured the human souls

Crushed the Spirits and made Slaves of them all

The Stone was an almighty lord

The Child's cradle was within the sand

Forbidden life came out from their hazy minds

Dark skins lived with no life

Slaves and shall serve till they die

Provided sacrifces for they deicided god

أقتل أخاك و أثبت أنك السيد أقتل اولاوده وأسلب أرضه

Raid the tribes

Molest their subdue wife

Kill every man and child

Ignorance's words have spoken from their minds
Kill,still,with no mercy

Ripp off their pride

The swords wrote a story upon their skins

And Line of the ensalavment mind

Of Dark age and Harsh life

Ignorant poems

Ignorant words

Ignorant flesh

With No Sympathy

Ignorance's words have spoken from their minds

Kill her..Rape her

Murder your child

You Buried her alive

Sprinkle the Dust Deep into their eyes

Divine lost and humiliated my soul

I Sank beyond my Destiny

Fragmented dream of tragedy

I sank beyond the quicksand

Divine lost and humiliated my soul

Golden poems hidden in their l***

Golden l*** buried into the sand
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