
Stardust Inc. Lyrics

Venus the first of three
to congratulate me
sincere apology
apples and candy for your wounds
sweets and sugar from the second
of three
Stardust incorporated
hold your grudge
seize the moment
to salute your saviours

Line up you merry ones
one at a time
in the name of monetary union
this is your dream
your orgy

Odin the last of three
to overwhelm me
sincere atrocity
a second go at the marketplace
the strongest to the highest bidder
look pale
show fright
Stardust incorporated
hold your grudge
seize the moment
to salute your saviours
Line up you merry ones
one at a time
in the name of monetary union
this is your dream
your orgy

blend to choose again
to distort again to label again
wear your brightest of reds
through the general inspection

Stardust incorporated
hold your grudge
seize the moment
to salute your saviours
Report lyrics
Negative B (2002)
Labels Stardust Inc. Nerve Lavender Epitaph Red Alert Juxtapose Part I: As a Reminder Juxtapose Part II: Confront Juxtapose Part II: Summer Sits Here Raining