
Kid Tested Lyrics

the unaffected dialect on shattered walls
of glass the curtains
call for one more song
when this photograph is more then words can describe
the lies that lie
in everyone we write
it's just a IV drip in a hospital bed
the urgency has taken all that is left
a collision well content
a medicated decadence at night
we dance until our bodies hit the ground
the orchestration of a near accident
we're lost in lights and sound
the room explodes around us now
to the beating of your heart
the hospital is tearing down tonight
we dance until our bodies hit the ground
we know now who you are this time

separate our bodies collide
we know now who you are
replicate the marks this surgeon's
scalpel slice the scars
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In The House Of Attics (2007)
All Hallows Eve Hollywood Reckless At The Knights Of Columbus Kid Tested You Are So Cool The West Or The End Of The World Part 1 The West Or The End Of The World Part 2 Broken Star Satellite Danger Will Robinson Villains And Scoundrels The Best Laid Plans Fall Apart Most Quickly A Little Razor Wire Piece Of Heaven