
Mi swing es tropical Lyrics

t**le: Mi swing es tropical
Artist: Nickodemus & Quantic featuring Tempo

Yo traigo para ti algo excitante
Mi jarabe te levanta de la tumba
Es un jaleo pa'que siempre estés alante
Un poquito de melaza, son y rumba
Es un pasito que te voy a enseñar
Un meneito que se que te gustara
Que cuando aprendas a bailarlo con sabor
Te aseguro que este ritmo gozaras

Se baila así, se goza más
Se baila así, se goza más
Se baila así, se goza más
Se baila así, se goza más
Se baila así, se goza más

Ay que ritmo sabroso
Ese ritmo yo lo gozo
Si tú quieres guarachar
Oye ponte a bailar
El rumbon de puerto rico
Es el que me gusta más

Oye de aquí para allá
Eee...de allá para acá
Es que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical

Se baila así, se goza más
Se baila así, se goza más
Se baila así,
Un sabor a coquito (Se goza más)
Oye y el cuchifrito (Se baila así)
Ay con bacalaito (Se goza más)
Es que se puede vacilar (Se baila así)
Donde quiera que usted vaya (Se goza más)
Vaya mi ritmo vas a encontrar (Se baila así)
Ay con la bomba y la plena (Se goza más)
Yo me pongo a vacilar (Se baila así)
Y el ritmo de candela (Se goza más)
Candela te va a quemar (Se baila así)
Y que se puede, se puede (Se goza más)
Donde quiera que usted va a gozar

Es que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (Borinquen)
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (Puerto Rico)
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (de Borinquen)
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (de Puerto Rico)
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (de Borinquen)
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (de Puerto Rico)
Y que se puede vacilar
Es que mi swing es tropical (de Borinquen)
I bring for you something stimulant My syrup raises you of the tomb Is a racket pa' that always be alante A
little bit one of molasses, they are and rumba Is a pasito that I am going to teach you A meneito that itself
that you liked That when learn to dance it with flavor I a**ure You that this rhythm enjoyed

It is danced thus, is enjoyed more is danced thus, is enjoyed more is danced thus, is enjoyed more is danced
thus, is enjoyed more is danced thus, is enjoyed more

Oh that tasty rhythm That rhythm I it joy If you want guarachar Hears ponte to dance The rumbon of Puerto Rico
Is the one that i like more

It hears back and forth Eee...of there for here Is that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical AND
that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical AND that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is
tropical AND that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical

It is danced thus, is enjoyed more is danced thus, is enjoyed more is danced thus,

A flavor to face (is enjoyed more) Hears and the cuchifrito (is danced thus) Oh with bacalaito (is enjoyed
more) Is that can hesitate (is danced thus where want that you go (is enjoyed more) Go my rhythm are going to
find (is danced thus) Oh with the bomb and the full one (is enjoyed more I begin to hesitate (is danced thus)
AND the rhythm of candle (is enjoyed more) Candle is going to burn you (is danced thus) AND that is able, is
able (is enjoyed more) Where want that you is you going to enjoy

Is that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical (Borinquen) AND that can hesitate Is itself that my
swing is tropical (Puerto Rico) AND that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical (of Borinquen) AND
that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical (of Puerto Rico) AND that can hesitate Is itself that my
swing is tropical (of Borinquen) AND that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical (of Puerto Rico)
AND that can hesitate Is itself that my swing is tropical (of Borinquen)
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Top Quantic & Nickodemus feat. Tempo Lyrics