
Lumps of Rotting Clay Lyrics

NO Man's Land is an eerie sight
At early dawn in the pale gray light.
Never a house and never a hedge
In No Man s Land from edge to edge,
And never a living soul walks there
To taste the fresh of the morning air;
Only some lumps of rotting clay,
That were friends or foemen yesterday.
What are the bounds of No Man s Land?
You can see them clearly on either hand,
A mound of rag-bags gray in the sun,
Or a furrow of brown where the earthworks run
From the eastern hills
Christ - Thy name is Panzer!
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Battalion Beast (2006)
The Lean Black Cruisers The Gods They Do Not Give Us Long He Is Dead Who Will Not Fight Infants' Graves Weep No More Flame of the Panzerchrist Lumps of Rotting Clay War in the North The Spirit of Soldiers