
Rudie's Got a Soul Lyrics

Hey man, all rudies' got a soul,
Hey man, all rudies' got a soul, got a soul!

Rudie's got a soul, hey dem a neva fakin',
Dem a go dung pon their knees, when a princess is inna di place,
Dem a give dem love and respect to each and every woman,
All around di world fi alla dem inna di fambly
All rudie's got a soul, hey dem a neva fakin,
Dem a go dung pon their kness, when a princess is inna di place,
Dem a give dem love and respect to each and every woman,
Dem a give dem shiny pearls, gold and some diamonds
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Budapest Ska Mood (2006)
Balkan Fever Police in Helicopter Ignorance Hello Gagarin! Where Can I Go? All Night Long Rudie's Got a Soul Greed Tell Me Why... Ska-Bah-Dub Waiting for Salvation Rudeboy Train Mek It a Date Sebaj Policeman Lakótelep