
Power to the Women of the Morning Shift Lyrics

Blonde one from the wilderness
Is almost dressed and i'm just her guest now
Female grace? she hits my face.
Makes me feel like i've ruled this world too long
Power to the women of the morning shift
Power to the women of the morning shift
Yesternight your rhythm made me stumble
Your geometry made me feel humble
But i'm a man - Rock'n'Roll makes me cry in the dawn -
i mean: almost - anyway, you've got to move on!

Power to the women of the morning shift
Power to the women of the morning shift
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Oum Shatt (2016)
Power to the Women of the Morning Shift Madame O. Hot Hot Cold Cold Bangladesh Silent Girl (with Silly Scarf) Delta Gold to Straw Ya Ya Ya Trains, Trains Tripped Up / Laid Low Fairground Affairs Lakonie