
Black Floods Lyrics

Since we have crawled from the mud of Precambrian ocean, we were meant to overcome the limitations of flesh.

We had to survive, to evolve and procreate; Surrounded by a prison which delimitated our dimensional view.
All minds are one; separated; by a veil

Individuals; will start merging, into single

We are omnipresent, we are omnipotent, we are post human; we are omniscient, we are post human.

Body is the last impurity to be purged; Atavism which ties you to this existence.
Let the promethic spark ignite your obsolete corpus and cosmic winds carry the ashes away.

Traveling through a thoroughfare of infinite-dimensions

Through a stream of multilayered parallels

The final insight to the questions of genesis
The third eye-opening depicts the real evolution

This divine enunciation unveils the blind.

This was our last connection

We were all just schematic
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Human Individual Metamorphosis (2012)
Intro Hypnagogia Watchmaker Veins of Delusion Prelude to Exsanguination Gnosis in Self-Immolation Monuments to Aneristic Illusion Giving Birth to a Hydrocephalic Deity Black Floods Anthropocene Purgation
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