
I Can Hurt People Lyrics

i never could whistle
i never could sing
i never could tell what the future might bring
i never could swim
i never could fly
i never could turn once they catch my eye
but i can hurt people pretty bad sometimes
and make them lose their minds
and act like maniacs
yeah i can hurt people pretty bad sometimes
and make them spill their drinks on me

but i never could read
i never could dance
i never could tell how to pick the right pants
i never could shut up
i never could sleep
i never could say when to laugh or weep
but i can hurt people pretty bad sometimes
and make them lose their minds
and act like maniacs
yeah, i can hurt people pretty bad sometimes
and make their gentle voices scream
or so it seems
but i never could whistle
i never could sing
i never could tell what the future might bring

(whistling solo)

but i can hurt people pretty bad sometimes
and make them lose their minds
and act like maniacs
yeah i can hurt people pretty bad sometimes
well i can hurt people
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Probably Human (2004)
Now and Then Pushing Sixty Big Babies Satisfied Undone Rosetta Stone Don't Want It to Rain Changes I Can Hurt People Shadows Alien Angel When I Get My Something Falling
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