
Human Scum Lyrics

We all descend from Africa,
home country of mankind
No matter where we live the blood
in our veins is all the same
If your brain is full of s***
there's nothing you can do
If your heart is made of rock
I guess you better go and get shot!
I need no prejudices to get my kicks
I don't need no idiots who call
themselves the "master-race"

Human scum - you're human scum
Hey white man, do you think
you're something better?
I wonder what makes you so sure...
To me we're all just apes
of different colours
You need someone to step on
To make yourself feel good
You just ain't content with what you are

You're just a piece of racist trash,
too f****** dumb to understand
That the colour of the skin
doesn't make the slightest difference
If your brain is full s***
there's nothing you can do
If your heart is made of rock
I guess you better go and get shot!
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Excuse My Smile (1997)
What I Call Life Excuse My Smile Human Scum Lose It All Anarchy Black and White World Nowhere to Run Reason and Desire Statement Good Old Days Before I Go Judge and Jury No Nazi's Friend 16 Tons
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