
Fat Cow Lyrics


It's not very easy to state the change that you made
It started with me waking to a whining wench
Sharpening your witch fangs as the days grew intolerable
If what we were was living then I'm glad you're dead
Fat cow
Four t***
Cow hips
Trolloping your b***ocks like a mastodon in heat
the way you trot around you must be tight as a mud wad
Who's to even mention all the things that you did
You ended up replacing me with a closet f**

You haggy Fat cow
Four t***
Cow hips

Traded all your wrist band for a pile of love beads
Turned so f****** natural, growing out your hair
Mellowing your pea brain with some hippy weed
If that's what you call living, then you're better Dead
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Music From Hell (1981)
Monsters Nothing to Hide Cardinal Newman Fat Cow Alien Point of View People Like You Regress for You Christian Lovers Exorcism Bathroom Sluts Pie on Aledge Push Push Push Alice's Song