
The Monkey Lyrics

The monkey speaks his mind

Three monkey sat on a coconut tree
Discussing things has they are said to be
Said one to the other, now listen you two
There is a certain rumour that cant be true
That man descended from our noble race
The very idea is a big disgrace
No monkey ever deserted his wife
Nor her baby and ruin her life
Yeah..the monkey speaks his mind

And you never known a mother monk
To leave her baby causing it to plunk
Nor pass them on one to another
Till they scarcely knew who was their mother
Yeah...the monkey speaks his mind
And another thing you will never see
A monkey build a fence around a coconut tree
And let all the coconuts go to waist
Forbidding all other monkeys to come and taste
Now if I build a fence around this tree
Starvation will cause you to steal from me
Yeah..the monkey speaks his mind
Here is another thing a monkey wont do
Go out at night and get on a stew
Or use a gun a club or a knife
To take another monkey's life

Yes man descended the worthless b**
But my god brothers from us he did not come

Yeah..the monkey speaks his mind
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Life Squared (2002)
Dem Seh War a Gwaan Dung Deh The Monkey Time We Realize Life and Debt The Confusion Today (Wha a Gwan) Muta Seh I Truly Believe Pele Spirituality Muta Seh Mother Divine One People I Write a Poem Dream Girl The Monkey (Mento mix) Muta Seh Dis Poem (remix)