
Prepatchday Lyrics

prepatchday - all the bugs, they seemed so far away
now it looks as though they're here to stay
oh, I believe in prepatch day
suddenly - this is not the game it used to be
there's a skill nerf hanging over me
oh, d*** patch day came suddenly
why lag had to grow, I don't know - they wouldn't say
skill gains very wrong, now I long for prepatchday

prepatchday - "this is such a killer game", I'd say
now I need a private shard to play
oh, I believe in prepatch day
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In L3wtero (2001)
R0xx0r Don't Hurry, Be Laggy 50 Ways to Loot Another Don't Smack Me Down Move It Away Prepatchday We Will Roxxu (Cpt. Ebolter's Corp Por mix) Chain Lightning Crashes Going to Trammel Loot Take Boogie Newbie Lewt Don't Bank So Close to Me Hey Dewd Message in a Bottle Origin: Mine Ultima Online 2 Ye Ooo Ooo Ooo, Bwa Ha Ha Ha Can't Get Enough of Your Loot Just a Thief Ya Know / I Will Loot Your Body