
Ne mi dihat za ovratnik Lyrics

Ne ne mi dihat za ovratnik,
ne boj se, ne bom zbežal.
Ne ne mi dihat za ovratnik,
da ti potem ne bo žal,
ko ti bom začel odpenjat gumbe.
Spil ti bom nasmeh iz ustnic
in z ramen potegnil svilo.
Ne bom se ustavljal na kolenih,
ko ti bom dvigal krilo.

Ne ne mi dihat za ovratnik,
veš da še stari ne spi.
Ne ne mi dihat za ovratnik,
nocoj ne bom skakal z balkona
in cik-cak bežal čez dvorišče.

Ne ne mi dihat za ovratnik, koza nora,
ker mi bo kmalu vseeno.
Ne ne mi dihat za ovratnik, koza nora,
raje me skrij pod odejo.

Spil ti bom nasmeh iz ustnic
in z ramen potegnil svilo.
Ne bom se ustavljal na kolenih,
ko ti bom dvigal krilo.

Do not breathe without me by the neck,
Fear not, I will not run.
Do not breathe without me by the neck,
after that you will not regret it,
when I'll start open your b***ons.

Spil I'll smile from the lips
and the shoulders pulled silk.
I will not be stopped at the knees,
I'll lift the skirt.
Do not breathe without me by the neck,
You know that old yet not asleep.
Do not breathe without me by the neck,
tonight I will not jump from the balcony
and zigzag ran across the yard.

Do not breathe without me by the neck, goat crazy
because we will soon, however.
Do not breathe without me by the neck, goat crazy
I prefer to hide under the covers.

Spil I'll smile from the lips
and the shoulders pulled silk.
I will not be stopped at the knees,
I'll lift the skirt.
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