
There's More True Lovers Than One Lyrics

Woody wrote "love the one you're with' wayyyyy before its time!! I love his postscript on this one. So I had to include it in the liner notes. It's just a great rocker, and of course Eric Bazilian brings it up that extra notch that only he can find.
Look out acrost that sea and see those breakers swell
How many a love it's washed away no human tongue can tell
Nobody can ever solve that dark sea's mysteries
How many a love has bloomed and blown the same as you and me

There's more true lovers than one
There's more true lovers than one
Cast out aside by every tide
There's more true lovers than one

I looked acrost that sea to see them whitecap breakers rise
True love comes in like an ocean tide and like the wind it flies
Upon these moonlit sands how many a vow was sworn
How many a heart has tossed and broke while love went rolling on
There's more true lovers than one
There's more true lovers than one
Cast out aside by every tide
There's more true lovers than one
The moon so high above sees many a kiss exchanged
Sees many a heart that has to part to never return again
We carv'd our names in the sand where love's great waters roll
But names untold have washed away while love goes rolling on

There's more true lovers than one
There's more true lovers than one
Cast out aside by every tide
There's more true lovers than one

**one night I saw the sea. I had always wanted to see the sea. In Oklahoma I wondered and thought about it and I tried to picture in my mind just how it might be, how it might feel, and what it must do to a man to be cast like a shadow from the light of the moon flickering and wafering and movering along the olden sands of the ocean shores. The night I saw it, the feeling came over me from the only place that inspiration can come from, and I went home and spent my next day writing this song. Me and Lefty Lou has sung it many many times now up and down your radio dial there and we still get lots of requests to do it all over again. It makes a feller feel full of a power of some odd kind to see that he has done something in one of his hours or one of his moments and that the rest of the world likes to hear him sing the tale and the story of that moment. I won't mention the girl's name that was there to give this song its start, she knows her name better than I do.
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