
Hostile Sky Lyrics

Sheltering my family
Beneath a hostile sky
The stars looked ever colder
And I knew that we would die
When they landed I could see
They moved like you or I
They hunted all our neighbours
All I could do was cry

Invasion unforeseen
The ending of our dream
My grief and fear unite
These demons end my race tonight

Hiding I could see it all
Herded in, their bodies fall
One by one our species dies
Why can't these creatures sympathise?
My heart is crying out in pain
How many more here still remain?
I see no point in moving on
So many of my friends are gone

Soldiers in a deadly fan
Spread across the blood soaked ground
Ignoring pleas for mercy
A sacrificial lamb
Invasion unforeseen
The ending of our dream
My grief and fear unite
These demons end my race tonight

My heart is crying out in pain
I am the last one to remain
I see no point in moving on
My will to live is gone

They celebrate their vicious deeds
Our planet's grim rebirth
Before I die I hear them say
They claim this land for earth
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Genetic Memory (2011)
Kinaesthesia Littoria Grey Stains the Rainbow The Immortality Gene Ephemeral Genetic Memory Hostile Sky Fevered Tongue Neanderthal Within Ghosts in Flesh Irrinja
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