
Phoenix Lyrics

So, the story says
There was a lonely maid
Her sincere eyes
Were full of deep pain
A world put into prison
A world that's afraid of love
She was walking by night
With sorrow in her heart

Firebird! Where are you?

My heart is seeking! My heart is searching!
In the fullness of the entire universe
My heart is joyful, my soul is free
A real starchild was born for me
The years went by
Her torments went too far
It has changed the color of the sky

Words meant nothing by now
The past faded to plane
In the end she could read
The signs of the times
Firebird! Where are you?
The girl shouted:
Angelheart! Touch me now!


Angelheart! Touch me now!
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Főnix / Phoenix (2008)
Kardok Királya Főnix Csak Emlékezz Rá Azt Mondom Nem! Égjen Még Szerelem Soha Ne Hidd El Te Döntöd El! Ébressz Fel Csendes Eső Hazám, Hazám King of Swords Phoenix Ust Remember I Say No Burn On Love Never Believe You Decide Wake Me Up Silent Rain
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