
Transparent Answer Lyrics

During these fleeting days, where nothing ever happens
I sit in the same seat as always.
"Well then, what do you think?"
As if attempting again,
The textbook without numbers said something.
If you're asking about my results
Well, they're fine I guess.
On this scrap paper was a 100% perfect score.
While grinning shyly,
You sat down on the chair next to me,
You, the one with a low grade.
Outside the window, there's nothing that I wish for
Because I'll already know what will happen.
"Hey, if that's how it is, then that's really boring."
You always seemed so cheerful.

Don't touch
The heart that wants to disappear anymore than this.
Today too, it can't be found anywhere on this earth.
The alarm starts ringing says to the alone me:
"You're a cold-hearted fool."
Even if I'm told a miracle answer
It's no use because everything will somehow become obvious.
"If I died right now, someone would replace me."
Even just muttering that
is so foolish.
Although these floating days keep repeating,
Whenever you're absent, I get an uncomfortable feeling.
Well, anyway, even if my test results are returned tomorrow,
They probably won't get any better either.

Somewhere in these non-hectic days,
Something might have already gone wrong.
The color of your hair,
Your smile,
Some people might have already forgotten them.
"The window next to the vacant seat,
Will anything be reflected from it"?
Even though I tried to know you,
There wasn't even one thing I wasn't able to solve.
If I were able to get even a little bit
closer to the answer,
then these days could have continued forever.
At the moment where I stop the ringing alarm
I'm forced to notice that everything is gone.

In the classroom the heart that wants to disappear was hurt,
You kept hiding it over and over again behind a smile.
The smile of you, who flew through this window and died,
I won't ever forget it.
Not even tomorrow.
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