
Viva Pa Ubu Lyrics

Here is a song for all you Ubists
Fat & loathsome,
Rich Unscrupulous,
horrible, ghastly to be with.
Ye Gods! What a bashing!
You'll get what you deserve.

We have ways, Messieurs the Rich.

Hit 'em! Go on hitting 'em!
Ah, what a delight it will be to
see our sweet friends again,
Our dear friends,
Smiling, cheerful & well fed.

Look! Look at their hats shining,
What high rents they're demanding.
Come On, Forward March - We can
Do with you, Phynancial Gentlemen.
(Strike up the Phynancial song!)
Long Live Pere UBU,
Our Great Phynancier
Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang
Tang Tang Tang Ta Tang!
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Recommended Records Sampler (1982)
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