
Göç Lyrics

In the lands of Central Asia
We had lived in prosperity
Till one day
When the Khan was
Tricked by the enemy
He gave the sacred stone
For the return of a Chinese queen
Unity of the land was broken

Then it all happened
Every creature in the land started to sound
An elegy in unison they cried

Begged to Sky-God for a way out
Then suddenly a mighty wolf
Came out of nowhere
Showed us the way

Göç ! Göç ! Göç !
Cried all the land
It was our destiny
Since the creation

In the dark before the dawn
Together we walked
Leaving our land
Leaving our life behind
Following the mighty wolf
Following the signs
We kept marching on
By day and by night

[A Clan Leader:]
Kökten, Gök Tanrı"dan
Kutsanmış bu toprak
Lanet var ancak
Kurtuluş intikam
[Shaman (Kam):] [A Clan Leader:]
İntikam artık... Ölüm bizi...
...Çözüm değil ...Çağırıyor

[The Great Khan:]
Ben tanrı gibi, tanrıdan olan
Ölümün kendisi, önümde diz çök !

[English translation:]
[A Clan Leader:]
This land is blessed
by the root, by the Sky-God
There is the blight
But revenge is the way out

[Shaman (Kam):] [A Clan Leader:]
Revenge is not... Death is...
...the solution anymore ...calling us

[The Great Khan:]
I, as god, of god
Death himself, kneel before me !
In the dark before the dawn
Together we walked
Leaving our land
Leaving our life behind
Following the mighty wolf
Following the signs
We kept marching on
By day and by night

Yüce Kağan der ki :
Kader önümüzdeki düzlüklerde
Batıdan gelen uğultuların
Umut veren sesleriyle
Unutulmayan bir çığlık yükseldi
Rüzgarın şarkıları bir tek söz söyledi
Göç ! (x7)

[English translation:][Narrator:]
The Great Khan says :
Destiny lies on the plains before us
With the sounds of the howls
coming from the west bringing hope
An unforgettable scream arose
The songs of the wind sang only one word
Drift ! (x7)
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