
Sufani Lyrics

diva bal ke mita le hanera ni
light a candle and extinguish the darkness
diva bal ke mita le hanera ni
kulli vichon ni yaar lab le
find your beloved in his dwelling
kulli vichon ni yaar lab le

o na kar maan rupaiye waala ban ban ke na bage
don't be proud of your wealth, you'll never tire of
accumulating it
vei na kar maan rupaiye waala ban ban ke na bage
khara khota tu parakheya jaave pave sharif de aage
you keep inspecting to see what is real and what is fake

vei khara khota tu parakheya jaave pave saraf de aage
o bolo poora tolo poora sat sirre tere lage
practice what you preach, weigh the truth, beware that it
does not come back to haunt you
o bolo poora tolo poora sat sirre tere lage
bulleh shah tu kaudi ho ja vatta mul na lage

bulleh shah become worthless so that you cannot be
kulli vichon ni yaar lab le
kulli vichon ni yaar lab le
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