
Five 4 Two Lyrics

Me got me stopwatch and me counting in between
Happy to hear you suffer for the time has come me queen
The minutes more like hours from one to three four five
Six even eight never felt so f***** alive
Hot cold sweat from second to minute to hour
Can feel the coward instinct but me wash it of with a shower
I'll never let you down coz we're in this pain to gather
Happiness love and affection and a future bit less blur
I start to see death and I don't know what to do
I can someone who does they say "take some gum and chew"
For the end is far from near and your love is not done yet
So keep counting the pain five for two's the goal to get
Six seven, one two three four.
I've got every five minutes for the last two hours, I think we better go now.

Forgot me stopwatch but me don't give a toss
Speeding through this city, red lights have lost their gloss
The minutes more like seconds from 5 4 3 to 1
Me woman's suffer increases, her being weighs a ton.
In 2 pieces we arrive, in 3 we should leave
But before that happy event, me gotta help me woman heave
The worst is yet to come, you ask me how I know
Coz this story that I'm telling you was 90 days ago
The hole f****** thing was "hell on f****** earth"
But when arrives the birth you get what it's worth
I'll never let you down coz we're in this life together
Happiness love and affection are the elements we gonna stir
Texte & Musique : Florian Gratton
Co-Editeurs : Editions OKC et MOSAME
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