
In My Place Lyrics

In my place , in my place
Were lines that I couldn't say
I was lost , oh ye
I was lost , I was lost
Cross lines I shouldn't have crossed
I was lost , oh ye

How long must I wait for her
How long must I wait for her
How long must I wait for her

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and underprepared
But I'll wait for you
But if you go , if you go
And leave me down here alone

I will wait for you , for you

Please , please come back and sing it out
Now , now come back and sing it
Please , please , please come back and sing
To me , to me ye yeeeahh
How long must you wait for her
How long must you wait for her
How long must you wait for her

In my place , in my place
Were lines that I couldn't say
I was lost , oh ye
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What a Life (2013)
Everyone but Me I Missed You Today In My Place In My Shoes The Last Time I Do I Do He Isn't You One More Try What a Life I'd Love to Be Your Last