
Dhéanainn Súgradh Lyrics

Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Dheanainn súgradh ris an nigh'n dubh
I'd have fun with the dark-haired maiden
'N deidh dhomb éirigh as a 'mhadainn
And rise early in the morning
Dheanainn súgradh ris an nigh'n dubh
I'd have fun with the dark-haired maiden
Dheanainn súgradh ris a' ghruagaich
I'd have fun with the lass
Nuair a bhiodh a' sluagh nan cadal
While the world would be sleeping

Dheanainn súgradh ris an am dúsgadh
I'd have fun with __
'N am na siúil a bhith 'gham pasgadh
When I should be folding the sail

Di-Luain an déidh Di-Domhnaich
On a Monday after Sunday
Dh'fhalbh sinn le Seònaid a Arcaibh
We left with Jane from Orkney
Bha muir gorm a'ruith fo cuinnlein
Blue sea was running under the stubble
'S i cur still a grunnd an aigeil
And sending torrents from the bottom of the abyss

Riof 'gha ceangal 's riof 'gha fuasgladh
A reef being tied and a reef being loosened
Muir ma guallain fuaim is fead oirr
The sea at her back noisy and whistling

Null ma Chaolas na Ròimh
There about the Strait of Rome
B'fheudar dhuinn am bòm a leaiseadh
We needed to lash the boom
Null ma Chaolas na Fraing
There about the Strait of France
Maide 'na làimh 's gaoth 'gha greasad
The stick was in the hand and the wind was driving

Gu 'm bithidh buill nach feum a splaghsáil
Oh there will be ropes that do not need splicing
Ar mo mhaighdean as a thigh'n dhachaidh On my maiden coming home

Dh'fheumadh pòrsan thigh'n a búth dhith You would need a portion coming from her shop
Ged a bhiodh e crún an cairteal Although it was a crown a quarter

Ged a bhiodh e crún an óirleach Although it would be a crown an inch
Dh'fheumadh pòrsan dheth thigh'n dhachaidh You would need a portion of it coming home
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