
Gone Lyrics

You woke up and left this morning
Didn't give me any warning
All that we've been working for is gone, gone, gone
If I ever needed someone
Now is when I really need you
Like the one I voted for is gone, gone, gone
I wasn't listening to you
When you told me you loved me
I wasn't focusing on you
When you towered above me

I woke up alone this morning
Clouds in the sky adorning
Trees bare of leaves
You know they're gone, gone, gone
Do I have to be somewhere, no
Never one to matter solo
Wishing I had asked you
But you're gone, gone, gone
Gone, gone, gone
I wasn't listening to you
When you told me you loved me
I wasn't basking in the glow
When it shone down upon me
I was just caught in your shadow

I wish I had a replay to do it over
I know I could do better
And then maybe you'd stay with me forever
I know I could do better
I wish I had a replay to do it over
I know I could do better
I wasn't listening to you
When you told me you loved me
I wasn't basking in the glow
When it shone down upon me
I wasn't focusing on you
When you towered above me
I was just caught in the shadow
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'78 (2008)
When This is Over Lovely Day Everybody Needs Somebody One Less Word Gone '78 Time on my Hands You Were I Was I'm Still Talking to You Can't Be Wrong Hey Eugene Easter Sunday