
Justice Lyrics

Don't want to talk with you no more
Don't want to shut that door on you
Only want to stop what's causing this commotion
This ain't a case of pick and choose
It's more about if you win or lose
This is the way, it's not about my emotions

Love, Hope, Peace, Justice
I'm sick and tired of what I see
I've found another way to be
Cos everything I see is blighted, or it's rusted

I'll take a chance and turn away
I'm giving up on you today
Cos if I don't I know I will be busted

Love, Hope, Peace, Justice
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You're All Living in Cuckooland (2006)
Justice Dead Men Don't Talk We're All Living in Cuckooland Falling Love Is Enough Tell Me Tell Me (Don't Want to) Find That Girl Captain I Don't Want to Throw You I'm Compressing the Comb on a Cockerel's Head