
Champion City Lyrics

Trudge on, see through the grit of winter
See to the glare of summer
Boundless drive, Endless drives, we all wished that we had
And you will learn more behind those, behind loudspeakers,
than those behind classroom walls.
My friends once said
"steady on the plough, steady on the wheel"

My friends once said
"steady on the plough, steady on the wheel"

Those words engraved on my heart,
entrenched in my mind
spilling out of me.
You will travel every road...
and they all lead back...
champion city. champion hearts

You will travel every road...
and they all lead back...
champion city. champion hearts
and they all lead back...

this is a song for the beautiful vagrants.
this is a song for the wage slave students
writing history books and basements.
please come home

~Response to a beautiful song by Stalwart Sons. I've met some amazing people through punk rock and this is my way of telling them I miss them and hope to see them again soon.
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