
Coldream Lyrics

Why do you not remember who you are?
Why do you not have your old watches anymore?
You have lost the road and your car
Now it's too cold to get back without dying.
I am waiting for the afternoon.
By now it's true.
Without dying.
And I will leave soon.
By now it's true.
And I am still dreaming of us.

L'amore è altrove,
Risoluto e distinto,
Dentro un sogno di ghiaccio,
Spoglio dell'immemore ricordo
Di quando ti gettasti via dalle mie braccia.
Impetuoso ed ineluttabile,
Come impetuoso ed ineluttabile fu il divenire,
Quando tutto questo prese forma.
Dissolse le nostre anime,
E pose fine a noi stessi,
Ridefinendoci, Nel tempo.
I am waiting for the afternoon.
By now it's true.
Without dying.
And I will leave soon.
By now it's true.
And I am still dreaming of us,
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On a Sad Sunny Day (2009)
Alive On a Sad Sunny Day Lepanto Ivory In Epica Memories Amethyst To #F Iceberg Shoegaze Coldream Eight Years Old Aurora in Rome In Time / [untitled]