
Can't Stop Lyrics

Can't stop, lovin' you - Can't stop - feelin' you
From the highest mountain - on a ragin' sea
Anywhere I go - you put a spell on me
Can't hide, the way I feel - Can't hide, the love is real
Anywhere I roam - like a rollin' stone
You are in my heart - I'll never be alone
Can't stop.....,Can't stop....., Can't stop....Lovin' You

Can't stop, wanting you - Can't stop, the love is true
In a distant land - anywhere I find
You are in my heart - you're still on my mind

Can't stop.....,Can't stop....., Can't stop....Lovin' You

Can't stop.....Can't stop - Can't stop.....Can't stop
Can't stop.....Can't stop - Can't stop....Lovin' You!
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RX5 (1981)
Hang On Lady Luck Can't Stop Wrong Side of the Law Nutbush City Limits Rock'n'Roll Guitar Picker Double Loser Fool No More Dangerous World High Times Shuffle It