
Unwanted Encore Lyrics

Auf Psychopathen verschworen
Getrieben von Hass und Minderwertigkeit
Den eigenen Pathos gefressen
Euer Weg ist gezeichnet von Leid
Ihr tragt die Schuld eurer geistigen Väter

Und Ihr habt Angst vor allem
Denn ihr lasst euch verblenden
Wenn der Deutsche einmal hasst
Klebt Blut an den Wänden
There's no f****** innocence

Your claims mean
The death of millions
You've done it before
And you'd do it again

This is why I will fight you
With everything I got
f*** fascists, racists and n*** a******* worldwide! There where no „innocent" n***s back in 1945 and there still are none. If people decide to believe that racism, antisemitism and hate is the answer to all their problems, they aren't just stupid - they become dangerous to everybody that doesn't fit into their small view of a perfect world. Their ideology thought to an end means the death of millions and the extinction of personal freedom. The fact that "modern" political parties still use fear and hate or covered racist rhetoric to fuel the fire and degrade minorities makes it even more horrifying. History shows that there is no point in negotiating. There is only one way: oppose them wherever and whenever they show up and try to spread fear in every possible way.
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