
Occam's Razor (I) Lyrics

Optic wonders sparkle shards of invitation as your dreams and hopes
conspire to feed your ego's aspirations. Borders crack, and walls fall
shorter and greed escapes to tap the water wells. Coerce the flow,
restrict and monitor.
True admiration can't lie in fear. Your organisation swells and thrives
by the profits you adhere.
So why am I here? To witness.
Your icy stare holds no remorse like the vagueness of your words.
To live this is to ignore what goes on behind closed doors.

So now you know. All I see is exploitation and emptiness inside.
Commit to that? I'd rather die. So I tempt your reply...
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Fantastic Massacre (2012)
Kinslayer Kings In Contempt Fantastic Massacre (A Heart Wrenching Soliloquy About Me Feelin's Fer Tugger) Lifeboats Ice Scream Song Bale Fire Fail Buyer Occam's Razor (I) Jury and the Executioner (II) Reservations (III) By Sin of Omission