
155 Lyrics

I left it on the table among my best of plays
a sonnet on my lover and the apple that she ate
How could I've ever ranked her among the best of maids?
She left me to the clouds and their stormy rage.
How could she be so cruel to steal my labour's masterpiece
on the women that were staged during previous centuries?
Oh! why women plunder hearts, I confess I do not know,
but what I wrote was pure and a timeless truth to hold...

She said: "Why not write another one,
you wrote it once write it again"
I said: "I have lived my youth before,
will reliving that make me a man?"
I remember her reply, her long and loveless sigh
would she ever even wonder why I wrote these 14 lines?
I let her have my words, but I riddled her at this:
"If no one reads my words please tell me, do they exist?"

She said: "Why not write another one,
you wrote it once why not again?"
I said: "I have lived my life before,
and reliving that will never end."
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Actors & Liars (2012)