
Behold the Son of Plagues Lyrics

I am sanctifier, harbringer of dispensational joy. The prayer in your mouth is my conviction of rupture. I am the truth abides in Lethe's waters. An ocean of vileness and you have drowned inside of me. I, the great destroyer, the eklisiastis of your sacrilegious soul. Believe in me! You, cancer to my superiority and woeful cry of my death. I am the architect of your malignant being. The garment of my vengeance became your microcosm. And my eyes became the broken mirror that reflects your most odious face. I, the inner diamonion of your theanthropic nature that brings disharmony to your disgusting aura. My scythe upon your head is forgiveness. So obey me to be saved and taste the bread of my best harvest. Kiss the hands of your lord. Fill my chalice of grandiosity with your unholy blood. Work out for your salvation.
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Behold the Son of Plagues (2014)
Sepsis Ex Nihilo Antimatter as I Hanged in the Shaft of the Abyss Behold the Son of Plagues Subhuman's Anabaptism Flagellum Made Catharsis Salt of Grace Wine of Blasphemies Send Us to Swines To Swarm Deserted Away (Ved Buens Ende Cover)