
新たなる世界 Lyrics

narrated by Jeff Levy
It is when one thinks one knows everything there is to know about the earth that God snarls in the face of such fools. In this world, God will show only those overflowing with curiosity and expectations a small portion of Her kingdom. Those select few will thus eventually be able to find the light at the end of their tunnel; or, in this case, the light that will save the world, thus reminding them just how divine God really is.
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ファイナル・ファンタジーIII 〜悠久の風伝説〜 (1990)
邪悪の胎動 風の啓示 彷徨の旅路 その大いなる導き 陰と陽の攻防 凶々しき渇望 新たなる世界