
Currents Lyrics

Going with the silver flow
Of river wide with current deep and slow
I rest my wings made to soar
But can I fly anymore?
The river, it goes ever on
Can heart keep pace
Rushing swollen till dawn
Now, I shake off weariness
And go to meet what i can't guess
The heart has
These secret currents deep and without guide
To find out
Where they will lead I take the plunge eyes wide

I like to know where you from
And where you are going to want to travel on
Now I stretch out my wings again
And take back what I have said
The heart has
These secret currents deep and without guide
To find out
Where they will lead I take the plunge eyes wide
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Genso Suikoden II: Orrizonte (2000)
枯れた大地 Currents 自由ふたたび 毎日がカーニバル~さらに栄えし美しき黄金の都 静けさの中に 囚われた街 同盟軍よ永遠に Plastic Castle in the Air あの丘に登ろう 働かざるもの食うべからず ああ,麗しの踊り子~ナハーラ・ヤン・クン Orrizonte