
I Lyrics

Memories loom, like an undreamt burden
Left to suffer, by my will
Unearthed from deep coffin rust, by my hands
As the pendulum stalls
Ghosts sifting through loathsome gutters
For any empty promise of hope
Washed away from our lives
To the ends of the earth
Silence follows the vanishing whispers
Softly sung from the mouths of the unborn
Longing to be something greater
than that which they've yet to become
How deep these hallow wounds weep
Cast aside, left to wither and die
In fresh scars of the ground
Scarlet rivers of lifes innocences lost
Left to curdle on finger clawed floors
A suicide hymn, carried through funeral towers
Strained and crippled, by their own disbelief
A self-devouring silent leprosy
Malcontent and lodged deep withing their throats
The phantom processions grieve
Forever longing for that which was never found
A mirror grows darker, the pallid image cold
Its self-deceptive machinations come unfurled
From the lips of black robed judges
Who have sewn their eyes shut
Revelations bereft of farce
Fall not on deafened ears

And seen through eyes grown cold, a Stormraven
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