
Terrifier Lyrics

I am the terrifier!
Farewell, my fellow men.
I've walked away from you,
made an intense effort,
to feel the pleasures of today.
They will not come to me.
Your pleasures mean nothing to me.
I feel like a ghost.
I am the terrifier,
wandering in a world grown alien.

You have to excercise rebellion,
to refuse to enslave,
to refuse to repeat yourself,
to drown in common misery.

My fellow men, I failed to understand.
I gave up...
...to refuse to displeasure,
mistaken for pleasure.
I have walked away from men.
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Voyeur (2012)
Origin Vertigo H(a)unted Terrifier Of Fear and Total Control Temple The Black Lodge Beyond Life and Death To the Villains Krycek Scopophobia Catacombe Epiphany Dolph Lundgren To the Villains (demo version)