
Kinda' the Lonely One Lyrics

Ask the question
Am I on the blacklist?
How long can this go on?
And... If I pull will you resist?
Are you the bleeding Christ?
And am I the mongrel dog?
If I knew you were so far gone
I'd have run right out and bought you (me/us) a bottle
But then again, you were always kinda' the lonely one
I met an old friend yesterday
He's gone to Vancouver
He just left his wife and kids
What a sly manoeuvre
So drunk the night he left
He was too drunk to recover
Now I'm digging old bones
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Shakespeare My Butt (1991)
4 O'Clock Stop So Long Bernie Just About 'The Only' Blues Salesmen, Cheats and Liars Rosy and Grey Kinda' the Lonely One Eternal Fatalist For the Hand of Magdelena Subversives Bleed a Little While Tonight Bloodline St. Brendan's Way Letter From Bilbao Under the Carlaw Bridge The Taming of Carolyn Gossip Talkin' Blues Henry Needs a New Pair of Shoes