
Itching Ears Lyrics

What profit is it for a man, to gain the world and lose his soul?

Hear me now, I speak the words of truth,
The love of self leads to a weakened structure
All the words set forth upon this page
Profit the soul much greater than all earthly gain
It's so much more than just catechization,
The vexation of my own predilections
The sacred texts have been and always will be,
That we may be equipped for every work

On and on we cycle words in contest
Striving to dredge the truth from our iniquity
All the worth of my insipid pandering
Falls prostrate before the throne of majesty
It's so much more than just catechization,
The vexation of my own predilections
The sacred texts have been and always will be,
That we may be equipped for every work

The search goes on and on to fill their itching ears
They've walked away from wisdom, and clung themselves to myth
Of all the ways we've faltered, the greatest may be this
To wander far from teaching to please my rotten flesh
Is folly lower reaching than climbing into the pit

Treacherous, reckless, ungrateful and heartless
Wearing His name and still denying His power
Treacherous, reckless, ungrateful and heartless
Grasping at knowledge and still lacking the truth
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In the Taking of Flesh (2013)
En Hakkore Itching Ears In the Taking of Flesh: Theantrapos In the Taking of Flesh: Diakonos Wretched Restless Forms Erchomai Of Jasper and Carnelian Thou Knowest Quintessence
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