
Dark Revelations Lyrics

Ripped of all my former strength
A pictish axe has left me maimed
No longer can I weld my blade
The pen will be my new domain
Recording for the ages
Catch the spirit of the past
Inspiring future heroes
And make our ancient legends last

Our legacy should ever last

Dark revelation
A vision unsurpassed
Should I stop writing now
Or start another text

Recording for the ages
Catch the spirit of the past
Inspiring future heroes
And make our ancient legends last
The serpent tower's rising
The skies are set aflame
A massive threat is coming...
Burn the books, let none remain

Destroy the secrets kept within
Feed them to the starving flames...

Burn the all, you must obey
Destroy the past, do as I say...

Burn the books, erase his name
The serpent god will rise one day
Recording for the ages
Catch the spirit of the past
Inspiring future heroes
And make our ancient legends last

Dark revelation
A vision unsurpassed
Should I stop writing now
Or start another text

I'll burn the books, I will obey
I'll burn the books, erase his name
Our hopes and dreams forever lost
I'll burn the spirits of the past...
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