
Homeless Joe Lyrics

There's old homeless Joe
he's a one'man show
you can catch him down
in Five Points where everybody knows
He can pick and sing you
anything from Muddy Waters to B.B. King
and hit beat-pu old guitar case
is where the people toss their dough
Homeless Joe
Homeless Joe
Homeless Joe

Now Homeless Joe anin't got no car
He just kicks it down the street
with his bottleneck guitar
and Homeless Joe don't pay no rent
He just sleeps in the park in a cardboard tent
Homeless Joe
When he plays that thing
Homeless Joe
And he starts to sing
He's got a lot of soul
An angel without wings
Homeless Joe
Now some say Homeless Joe's just an old wino
'Cause he ani't got no compact disc, no music video
you won't see him on your flat screen, no reality TV show
you can find him down the corner, where everybody knows

Homeless Joe
When he plays that thing
Homeless Joe
and he start to sing
He's got a lot of soul
An angel without wings
Homeless Joe
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