
S.D.F.B. Lyrics

You wanted to join the fringe,
with you head shaven clean
destined for greatness a dropout at 16
you were the victim, you were singing the blues
so you turned your shortcomings into a bottle of booze
now you know it all, you've got the solution
drink another 6 pack and call for revolution
but how a revolutionary be ready for war
when all your money goes to the liquor store

Ref.: You're nothing but a worthless scum
a stinking, drunken, f****** b**!!!
You have a child you haven't seen in years
you knocked up the mother and left her in tears
you never showed an ounce of support
after all those broken promises, she'll see you in court
you claim to be working class, but can't hold a job
you claim to be the master race but you´re really a slob
always getting in the bad end of the stick you b**** and moan
when it reality it's no ones fault but your own
And you call yourself a Skinhead?
Now you got your gang and you look mean & tough
you get all juiced and look to mix it up
you stick out your chest just as far as you can
let the world know that you are a man
you start a fight and end up on the floor
then you wake up not remembering the night before
covered in puke, your head aching like hell
big Bubba welcomes you to his cell
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