
Those Enron Boys Lyrics

PAUL: Mr. Storm?
STORM: Yes, Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Oh, Mr. Storm?
STORM: Yes, Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Did you hear about those corporate ne'er do wells?
STORM: No, Sir; pray, tell
PAUL: That pair of Enron jesters
Screwed their employees and investors
But now they'll get a s******* for themselves

STORM: Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Yes, Mr. Storm?
STORM: Oh, Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Yes, Mr. Storm?
STORM: Did you hear the way they both got drunk with power?
PAUL: Indeed I did
STORM: So the judge said "Okey dokey I'll just put you in the pokey
And you best be extra-careful in the shower"
Now they have to ditch their riches
PAUL: For a pair of pinstripe britches
BOTH: Those Enron boys are hip-deep in it now
PAUL: Mr. Storm?
STORM: Yes, Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Oh, Mr. Storm?
STORM: Yes, Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Were you shocked the way their stock went down in flames?
STORM: Oh, such a shame
PAUL: We appreciate the fraud, thanks Now we're sending you to Shawshank
With Morgan Freeman and Andy Dufresne
STORM: Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Yes, Mr. Storm?
STORM: Oh, Mr. Paul?
PAUL: Yes, Mr. Storm?
STORM: Do you think the other prisoners will be chums?
PAUL: 28 skiddoo!
STORM: They'll show Kenny Boy and Skilling
A new type of offshore drilling
And insider trading prison-style's no fun
PAUL: They'll be crying for their mammies In a pair of pinstripe jammies
BOTH: Those Enron boys are hip-deep in it now

STORM: Their con game hit some glitches
Now they're both the bull queers' b******
BOTH: Those Enron boys are hip-deep in it now
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