
Trailer Lyrics

Voice 1: But to maintain the system the abuse of power is sometimes neccesary

Voice 2: Yes, it allows us to enjoy the freedom of living in a free society
Voice 1: A price the public is prepared to pay

Voice 2: Thats a dangerous concept

Voice 1: But a realistic one
Voice 2: We invent stories, leak truths, leak lies and leak harbingers

Voice 1: We will report to no-one, finance the parliament, the colds...

Voice 2: It's the great British public, they made the difference, they were all there to be... manipulated.

Voice 1: ... smears, break-ins, burglaries, blackmails, dis-information

Voice 2: Let the historians discover it in 50 years time
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Obey, Consume, Marry, Reproduce (1994)
Trailer Status Quo Greed is Good Global Intensified Nationalism Heist Your Mind Jesus in a Limo Crackdown Eighties Nineties Unsafe Twenty Seconds of Noise Enemy of the Brotherhood Dissection of the Great British Public Klan in the Neighbourhood The Subconscious Distortion of Perception and Sensation Twisted and Feckless