
Love and Kisses Lyrics

A, B, C, D, D is for dead
H, I, J, K, bullet in the head
Now I know my A, B, C's
Tell me what you think of me
You don't want to live anymore
I found your body dead on the floor
I'm getting hot touching your cold purple flesh
I'm gonna do it to ya' while you're still kinda' fresh
You don't want to live anymore
You should have told me ya' f****** w****
I would have gotten off by cutting your throat
Now I can only watch you rot and bloat
I really like what I'm doing to you
If you were alive you'd like it too
I getting hot and you're getting cold
I sprayed you with the Lysol to keep away the mold
I came home from work yesterday
Someone must have taken you away
I thought I hid you oh, so well
They must have found you by your smell
Mommy . . . I miss you so
Mommy . . . where did you go
Mommy . . . you made me cry
Mommy . . . what made you die
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